Theta Healing is a meditation technique created by Vianna Stibal, with thousands of practitioners and instructors worldwide. The introduction to the technique begins with the Basic DNA Seminar.
The technique includes many modules within itself. After this seminar, you are not required to attend any further seminars unless you wish to. Even this basic training leads to a transformative process.
If you enjoy the technique, you can later add modules such as Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper, You and the Creator, Abundance and Prosperity, You and Your Significant Other, and more to your repertoire.
It has been a beautiful experience witnessing the awareness and new beginnings in both my own life and in the lives of my companions who I’ve trained and provided consultations for.
Some of the topics covered in this seminar include:
- Healing and Energy Reading
- Group Healing
- Muscle Testing Technique
- Belief Work
- Identifying and Transforming Core Beliefs
- Feeling Downloads
- Future Readings
- DNA Activations
- Creation Meditation
- Soulmate Calling, and much more…
Upon completion of this seminar, you will receive an internationally recognized practitioner title from the Think Institute, and your name will be listed among the practitioners on the official website If this invitation resonates with your heart, I hope our paths cross, and we can accompany each other on this journey.
The modules I am certified to teach:
- Basic DNA
- Advanced DNA
- Dig Deeper
- You and Your Significant Other
Training Duration: 3 days (15 hours)
The areas we can work on using the Theta Healing technique are limitless. Whether it’s issues that are weighing you down, abundance and prosperity, health problems, or relationships, we can also focus on manifesting your dreams or breaking repetitive patterns in your life.
This technique can be applied to any challenge you are facing. However, it’s important to remember that Theta Healing is a meditation technique, not a medical treatment.
Contact Us for Pricing and Availability
For detailed information on our ThetaHealing, please contact us.
Phone:+90 532 6220751 / +90 531 1016769
Our Instructor

Ö. Bostanci
Practitioner: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, RHYTHM to a Perfect Weight, Dig Deeper, You and Your Significant Other, You and the Creator, ThetaHealing Intro – Create Your Own Reality, Love of Self
Instructor: Basic DNA Instructors, Advanced DNA Instructors, Dig Deeper Instructors, You and Your Significant Other Instructors
Message from Instructor
There are no prerequisites. Anyone who is open to learning and new experiences can join. The only limit is our mind, I know from personal experience 🙂
So, what will we do in this seminar? 📍 First, we’ll get to know each other ❤️
📍 I’ll start by telling you the life story of Vianna Stibal, the founder of this healing technique.
📍 Then, I’ll share how my path crossed with this technique and how it transformed my story.
📍 We’ll explore how our words and subconscious mind influence our lives.
📍 We’ll check whether our chakras are functioning properly and learn how to balance them.
📍 You’ll learn three methods of muscle testing to see if our conscious mind is aligned with our subconscious.
📍 We’ll experience transforming beliefs that limit us at four belief levels. You’ll be amazed to see how quickly these beliefs change with muscle testing 😊
📍 We’ll remind our souls of feelings we’ve never experienced before.
📍 We’ll discuss the root causes of diseases.
📍 We’ll experience group healing together.
You know when we ask at the end of seminars if you’d like to benefit from group healing? This time, you might want to be part of that healing process yourself 🙏🏻